Welcome to JAS-ANZ Accredited Certification

Lost in where to start your certification journey? Give us a call to enjoy an obligation free information session with our assurance team. This will help you understand your certification journey. We will explain the options and the opportunities available to unlock your business potential. We will provide you with a clear understanding of the elements that need to be in place prior to applying for a certification. No commitment is required to discuss your certification needs with us. Following our information session, you may choose to complete our ‘Request For a Quote’ to get an idea about the cost of certification. We are keen to see you informed about all aspects of management systems certification so you make the best choice for your business needs.

Document review is an optional stage of the certification journey, no matter whether you are certified with us or not. During the document review stage, GRS will assess the preparedness of your system. The system may not be perfect, but there has to be a system. As part of the process, GRS will only submit a document review report. We see improvement in a client’s business as the most essential part of our sustainability.

During the Stage-1 Audit, GRS will undertake an assessment of the client’s documented system against the requirements defined by the respective standards. If there are areas that require development, GRS will provide a formal report as to what they are and how to address them. Effectively, GRS assesses the client’s system and will provide action points for its development.

GRS will undertake an on-site audit to ensure that the client is following documented procedures. This occurs at a mutually agreeable time and date. If GRS identifies any issues, documented and appropriate corrective actions will then be determined. If the issues are not critical, certification is recommended on the day of the audit. In the case of critical issues, certification is recommended once those have been resolved.

GRS follows a documented system to ensure all processes and checks are followed before making any certification decision. We engage independent competent reviewers to assess reports prior to making any certification decision. Achieving approval of certification is a milestone for any business. GRS’ approval processes are discussed prior to all audits, and it is transparent and able to be audited at any time by our regulators.

It is a requirement to undertake a surveillance audit (the frequency depends on the complexity and maturity of the system) to ensure a continuation of clients’ systems compliance with the standards.

Re-assessment is required after completion of the certification journey of a client. After three years of the certification journey, GRS will do a full assessment to ensure that the business is maintaining an effective management system to continue their certification.

Our process is simple and smart. No matter how big or small your enterprise is, you will feel the difference once you begin your certification journey us!